Not all recorders support overburning.
Note that overburning can damage an optical drive. To prevent damage to the optical drive, you should only use this feature with suitable discs.
Note that a disc whose leadout has been written to no longer conforms to the standard specification for CDs, and therefore may not be detected by some readers.
The leadout is the ending area of user data on a data carrier that is used to close a session. If the disc has not been completed yet, the reference for the next session is stored here.
Overburning is the process of writing data past the official capacity of the disc in the CD’s leadout area. The actual purpose of the leadout area is to define where the disc ends. By filling part of the leadout with data instead of zeros it is possible to increase the disc’s capacity. Usually it is possible to overwrite the 90 seconds of the leadout without any difficulty. Nonetheless there is a high probability that the data will become unreadable since the area was originally intended for storing only zeros and is at the outer edge of the disc. This part of the disc is more likely to become damaged or soiled.  
Overburning is also possible, although not advisable, with DVD’s. The outer edge of DVD’s is more susceptible to errors. Furthermore only a small number of DVD recorders support this feature.
The Overburning Test feature lets you run a simulation of the overburn process and test whether or not the recorder is suitable for this process. Nero DiscSpeed also checks how much data can be written to the disc being used.


If you want to test the overburn capability of a disc and your recorder in a real burn process, enable the Overburn CD or Overburn DVD (depending on the disc type) check box under the Transfer Rate navigation entry, in the Nero DiscSpeed – Options window.
After this, start the Create data disc standard test.
Disc type
Disc type refers to different optical storage media with different specifications. The best known are CD’s and DVD’s that can be written to once or multiple times, and which are manufactured with different storage capacities.
See also
Transfer Rate Navigation Entry
Create Data Disc (Classic Version)
The leadout is the ending area of user data on a data carrier that is used to close a session. If the disc has not been completed yet, the reference for the next session is stored here.
The leadout is the ending area of user data on a data carrier that is used to close a session. If the disc has not been completed yet, the reference for the next session is stored here.
Disc type
Disc type refers to different optical storage media with different specifications. The best known are CD’s and DVD’s that can be written to once or multiple times, and which are manufactured with different storage capacities.

Additional Test – Overburning