The following requirement must be fulfilled:
The Create Disc tab is selected in the main screen. 
To start the Create data disc test, proceed as follows: 
If there are several optical drives available, select the one you want in the drop-down menu.
Configure the settings you want in the Settings area to the right of the graph.
Insert a blank disc in the optical drive if you are not running a simulation.
Click the Start button.
The test or burn process is run. You can follow the individual steps of the test process in the display area under the graph.
You can cancel a running test at any time by clicking the Stop button.


Always start the test using the Start button.
As long as you are running this test, the entries in the Run Test menu will be grayed out. If you click Run Test > Selected, the test is automatically run on the Benchmark tab and the results of the classic version are displayed.
You can now see the results of the test in the graph and the relevant displays and save them.
See also
Saving Test Data

Running the Create Data Disc Test