The following requirement must be fulfilled:
The Disc Quality tab is selected in the main screen. 
To start the Disc Quality test, proceed as follows:  
If there are several optical drives available, select the one you want in the drop-down menu.
Insert a disc into the optical drive.


If you want to run the detailed test, i.e. test the entire disc, make sure that the Quick scan check box is disabled.
Configure the settings you want in the Settings area, to the right of the graph.
Click the Start button.
The Spin Up Drive window is displayed while the test is being prepared. The window is then closed automatically.
Nero DiscSpeed  Running the Disc Quality Test
The test is run. You can follow the test processes in the areas under the graphs. You can cancel the running test at any time by clicking the Stop button.
You can now see the results of the test in the graphs and the relevant displays and save them. Furthermore, the Disc Quality Test – Statistics window is opened and shows the testresults.
See also
Saving Test Data

Running the Disc Quality Test